🧭 now
January 14, 2025I've been at Stripe for about five months and the onboarding process has proven to be very challenging. With lots of new people on the team, we're having to make adjustments to ensure everyone can ramp up successfully. Also, the pay seems to be off. They're withholding a lot more tax than Atlassian ever did despite the same elections. I'll have to figure that out.
I'm back on my fitness grind five days a week, trying to lean out for a trip to Mexico in the spring. I'm also seeing what it feels like not to drink coffee in the mornings. It started with some headaches but I think I've reached a break through! Same goes with alcohol, I really haven't had any since the new year and I'd like to extend that streak.
I started a new schedule where I work on side projects for an hour in the morning before work, and it's really helped! Instead of waiting until the evening where I feel too tired to start on something, this sets me up for success early, and usually motivates me to keep working in my free time at night. I want to build some apps and make some YouTube videos during that time.
Because I'm working on side projects early in the day, my nights are usually free to play video games. I've been super into Diablo IV and just hit the end game. I also picked up Vampire Survivors for some easy fun and I'm really excited to start Balatro.
And finally, me and Gaby are planning a week long trip to New York City to celebrate our ten year anniversary! It's super exciting researching places to see and things to do.
inspired by derek sivers and nownownow